About me

During the third semester of my studies, the term "central bank" suddenly appeared in various models in my macroeconomics course. Although I had already been fascinated by everything which had to do with the ECB before, I asked myself the following question for the first time: Why is there a monetary monopoly at all? What is so different about money? And what about banks? Why are they such big and highly regulated players?

These questions were shortly followed by my increasing interest in environmental economics. Of course, the connection between the environment and money soon followed - ESG, Green Finance and everything that goes with it.

Fast forward several years later, these questions are still on my mind. I started working in and researching these areas. It's true: The deeper you dive into a subject, the more questions arise. But fortunately, some answers can also be found. And these answers are what I would like to share with you here, but also in media and at events.

By the way, if anyone is wondering what I do with my time outside of work - besides family, friends and volunteer work, I spend a lot of time at the gym, where I find my balance in intense strength training.

You can find my current CV here.